A blog about art and technology.

14th FEB, 2021

Terms and Privacy Policy

Terms of Use

By using this Website, you agree to the Terms and Policies mentioned on this page. You may not use this Website if you do not accept our Terms and Policies.

Privacy Policy

The privacy of our visitors is extremely important to us. This Privacy Policy outlines the types of personal information that is received and collected and how it is used.

Information we collect and how we use it

This Website may collect and process personal and non personal data that you provide to us. Personal data as defined by GDPR means any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person. This Website may collect and process personal and non personal data through:

Contact forms

Each time you contact us, we collect data through Google Form integrated on our contact page. We collect questions, queries or feedback you leave, including your name, email address, website URL, item licenses or other info you may provide in your message box. We use these details to respond to the feedback/query you send us.

Log Files

Like many other websites, this site uses log files to help learn about when, from where, and how often traffic flows to this site. The information in these log files include:

All of this information is not linked to anything that is personally identifiable.

Cookies and Web Beacons

Third-party advertisers may also place and read cookies on your browser and/or use web beacons to collect information. This site has no access or control over these cookies. You should review the respective privacy policies on any and all third-party ad servers for more information regarding their practices and how to opt-out.

If you wish to disable cookies, you may do so through your web browser options. Instructions for doing so can be found on the specific web browsers’ websites.

Google Analytics

Google Analytics is a web analytics tool we use to help understand how visitors engage with this website. It reports website trends using cookies and web beacons without identifying individual visitors.

You may opt-out of Google Anylytics tracking on our site. You may do so by clicking on the ‘Decline’ button on the ‘Cookie Policy’ component at the bottom-left of the site.

Disclosure Policy

We make money on this website through affiliate programs. If you click an affliate link or ad banner and buy the product, you help support this website because we will get a percentage of that sale.

Currently, we are an affliate for Amazon Affiliate.

Future Updation of this Terms and Privacy Policy

We will bring changes to the Terms and Privacy Policy as per requirements. Please, visit this page from time to time to keep yourself updated with the privacy policy.