
Installing Raspberry Pi OS using Raspberry Pi Imager

[Raspberry Pi Foundation][def] has made changes to where and how one can download their software. There’s a new home to their software page. With this new homepage, they have a new tool to install the OS. It is called Raspberry Pi Imager. In this short tutorial let us learn how to install the Raspberry Pi OS using Raspberry Pi Imager. This article will also help if you want to install Ubuntu on a supported Raspberry Pi device (see step 3).

9 min read

Installing Raspberry Pi OS Lite on Raspberry Pi 4b

Recently, Raspberry Pi Foundation released a new version of the Raspberry Pi OS with 8GB RAM. With the release of the new hardware product, they also renamed the officially supported OS from Raspbian to Raspberry Pi OS. In this short tutorial let us learn how to install the Raspberry Pi OS on Raspberry Pi 4b and see if there are some changes in installation.

8 min read

The all new Raspberry Pi 4b

The new Raspberry Pi 4 is now out for quite some time. Let’s see what it has got for artists and designers.

6 min read

Creating a Development Environment for Drupal 8 with Lando.

Developing a Drupal 8 site or blog with a hosting plan that supports Drupal 8 installation is relatively easy to do than doing it locally. This adds to the upfront cost, even though you just wanted to see how Drupal 8 works.

6 min read

Introduction to Jekyll

Jekyll is fun. And, why should it not be? It provides a way for writing modular HTML with help of Yaml, Markdown and Liquid syntax. Jekyll is definitely worth giving a try!

1 min read

Hosting a simple Hello World site using Github Pages

This is a tutorial for hosting a Hello World site using gh-pages. This will help you understand the basics of GitHub Pages and use these basics to host a full-fledged site using gh-pages.

2 min read
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